2016年4月17日 星期日

Chapter 12 Meat Under Fire

Chapter 12 Meat Under Fire

acre: The shepherd has penned up the in the four acre field.
advocate: (1) Mr.White is a strong advocate of free trade.
                         (2) The opposition party advocated an immediate reduction in military costs,
cite: (1) The detective cited the knife as proof of the crime.
           (2) Six of them were cited in a drug smuggling operation.
           (3) He was cited for saving her life.
consumption: (1) There is a close relationship between income and consumption.
                                   (2) consumption tax
digest: (1) I find meat difficult to digest.
                 (2) a concise digest of Roman law
grain: (1) Rice, wheat, and corn are grain.
                (2) a grain of salt
                (3) It may be a joke, but perhaps there's a grain of truth in it.
objection: (1) They raised objections to her proposal.
                          (2) One of his objections to the plan was that it would take too much time.
reluctantly: Rachel reluctantly said she would go.
texture: This tofu has a firm texture.
willing: I am willing to help you if you admit you need help.
willingly: He accepted my invitation quite willingly.  

