2016年5月3日 星期二

Chapter 13 Another Earth

Chapter 13 Another Earth 

being: (1) How life came into being is an interesting question.
                (2) Human beings are said to be the highest form of life.
                (3) from the time being 
credible: These denials are simply not credible.
criteria: What are your criteria in judging the quality of a student's work?
dismiss: (1) The teacher dismissed the class five minutes before the bell.
                     (2) We dismissed him because his work was so poor.
                     (3) They dismissed his suggestion as ridiculous.
                     (4) The court dismissed the case because of lack of evidence.
envy: (1) He was full of envy when he saw my new CD player.
              (2) Having  such a beautiful wife  made him the envy of all his friends.
              (3) It is natural that the poor envy the rich.
essential: (1) There is an essential difference between the two opinions.
                        (2) essentials of physics
extraterrestrial: Do you believe the existence of extraterrestrial life?
galaxy: Each galaxy contains myriads of stars.
launch: (1) How many space shuttles have been launched this year?
                   (2) Ed launched Ann into business.
                   (3) George got drunk on champagne at the launch of the new ship.
                   (4) launch forth
mainstream: (1) Construction has emerged as a mainstream political issue.
                                 (2) Nobody could go completely against the mainstream of the history.
orbit: (1) Our satellite is now in orbit.
               (2) The moon orbits the earth.

