2016年5月3日 星期二

Chapter 14 Seeing Is Believing

Chapter 14 Seeing Is Believing

account: (1) I have five hundred thousand dollars in my savings account.
                      (2) Jane gave the police a full account of what happened.
                      (3) Don't listen to what he says when he's drunk; it's of no account.
                      (4) The secretary couldn't account for her mistake.
fabric: (1) silk fabrics
                 (2) the fabric of the theater
                 (3) the fabric of the social
fundamental : (1) He lacks fundamental knowledge about human nature.
                                    (2) The invention of the steam engine brought about fundamental change in                                                society.
                                    (3) I can't grasp the fundamentals of physics.
literally: I took what my teacher said literally; he really meant something else.
overestimate: I overestimated the amount of  milk we'd need for the weekend.
planetarium: On his days off he takes them to the Museum of Natural History or the                                                   Planetarium.
probe: (1) The newspaper reporter probed into the motivation for the murder.
                 (2) The reporter stopped the probe into the activities of smuggles after receiving a death                            threat. 
                 (3) a lunar probe
prompt: (1) We expect a prompt reply.
                     (2) The Cold War prompted them to develop nuclear weapons.
                     (3) She stands off-stage and prompts the actors if they forget their lines.
                     (4) We start at eight o'clock prompt.
                     (5) I forgot my lines and needed a prompt.
punch: (1) I punched his face.
                  (2) No one punches your subway ticket anymore. It's done automatically by machine now.
shortcut: He was always looking for a shortcut to fame and fortune.
skepticism: A correct understanding of reasonable doubt helps us to carry forward the spirit of                                doubt and criticize skepticism.
vast : a vast sum of money
worthy : (1) He is a worthy challenger of the champion.
                     (2) a worthy opponent
                     (3) local worthies    

