2016年4月6日 星期三

Chapter 2 How we use sound

Chapter 2 How we use sound

acoustic: Once , i backpacked around Europe and i brought an acoustic guitar with me.
activate: These push buttons can activate the elevator.
active: (1) an active volcano.
             (2) Market is active.
             (3) on active service
beam:  (n.)(1) a metal beam.
                        (2) They used a 40 feet beam for this building.
                        (3) Do you see a beam of light coming through the thick fog?
                        (4) a steamer of forty feet beam.
                  (v.) (1.) The sun beamed brightly.
                        (2.) His face beamed with joy.
deafening: (1) deafening cheers
                            (2) The crowd's response was a deafening roar.
deafen: We were almost deafened by the explosion.
frequency: The pitch depends on the frequency.
high-pitched: The two high officials narrowly escaped being killed in the hot battle.
innovation: The innovation of air travel during this century has made the world seem smaller.
lethal: Pot-holes can be lethal for  the unwary cyclist.
offensive: (1) He has a very offensive manner.
                          (2) an offensive odor
                          (3) offensive warfare
                          (4) offensive movements
                          (5) to take the offensive
offend: (1) I hope i haven't offended you in any way.
             (2) to offend against custom
offense: (1) an offense against the law
               (2) to give offense(to somebody)
               (3) to take offense
restore: (1) to store order
                     (2) to store a ruin
                     (3) to feel completely restored
                     (4) to restore money to its owner
temporarily: (adv.)
temporary: a temporary job

