2016年4月10日 星期日

Chapter 10 A New Take on the Golden Years

Chapter 10 A New Take on the Golden Years

anticipate: (1) We anticipated our enemy's attack.
                           (2) I anticipate a snowstorm tomorrow.
breakthrough: The experiments led to a breakthrough in preventing polio.
flexibility: Stability also depends upon the flexibility of the local economy.
in sum: In sum , life is full of beauties.
likelihood: (1) There is a strong likelihood that a war will break out.
                            (2) in all likelihood
pursue: (1) The police have been pursuing the kidnapper for two months.
                    (2) He decided to pursue his studies at college.
spare: (1) Can you spare me a little time?
                (2) a spare tire
                (3) enough to spare
                (4) spare one's feelings
strenuous: The scientist made strenuous efforts to improve the machine.
take up: (1) He took up his baggage and went away.
                     (2) He took up swimming for exercise.
                     (3) Let's take up where we left off.
                     (4) Every seat in the train was taken up.
volunteer: (1) Volunteers delivered food supplies to the refugees.
                           (2) I volunteered for weekend duty.    

