2016年4月8日 星期五

Chapter 6 The Nanny Diaries

Chapter 6 The Nanny Diaries

authoritative: (1) an authoritative statement
                                    (2) an authoritative manner
authority: (1) Chinese parents have more authority over their children than parents in the United                                 States.
                  (2) the local authorities
                  (3) He is an authority on phonetics.
clear (one's) throat: He clear his throat before he start to speak.
to clear up: The weather clears up.
to clear away : to clear away misunderstanding.
field of vision: You should broaden your field of vision by traveling around.
vision: (1) The doctor says i have 20/20 vision.
            (2) Our country needs a leader with vision.
            (3) Dad said he had a vision in which he saw his dad father.
jerk: (1) He jerked the fishing rod back and got a salmon.
             (2) The bus stopped with a jerk .
             (3) physical jerk
             (4) knee jerk
jerky: Her jerky movements are a sign of nervousness.
moan: (1) Jack let out a moan of pain.
                 (2) We have a good moan about our social studies teacher.
                 (3) The injured man moaned in pain.
                 (4) You are always moaning about your job.
pleadingly: He pleadingly hoped he could get this job.
plead: (1) The girl pleaded with her father to buy the doll.
           (2) You can't plead you're having dinner with your wife . I know she is out of town.
           (3) She is pleaded temporary insanity .
poll: (1) What were the results of the poll?
            (2) go to the polls
            (3) A recent poll shows a change in public opinion.
propel: He propelled the boat by rowing.
remainder:  I ate the remainder of dinner before bed.
remedy: (1) Do you know a good remedy for a cold?
                      (2) A great deal has been done to remedy the evil.
sob: (1) The girl sobbed bitterly.
           (2) The boy's sobs stopped.
steady: (1) My grandfather's steps are steady.
                  (2) His brothers steadied the ladder.
                  (3) go steady
                  (4) Steady on.
straighten: (1) He straightened his tie.
                             (2) He straightened up.
                             (3) I straightened my room.
with ease: He got great grades on tests with ease.

