2016年4月10日 星期日

Chapter 9 On Turning Ten

Chapter 9 On Turning Ten

come down with : The girl has come down with pneumonia .
digest : (1) I find meat difficult to digest .
             (2) a concise digest of Roman law .
 digit : One digit always precedes the decimal point .
disfigure : The accident disfigured him for life .
drain : (1) Who drained the oil from the tank ?
                 (2) We drained the swamps to make new farmland .
                 (3) The hard work drained all my energy .
                 (4) the brain drain 
insight : The lawyer was a man of insight .
look back : We should sometimes look back at our lives .
psyche: It was a false alarm at the psych ward.
simplicity: (1) This is simplicity itself ; how can you screw up?
                            (2) This room is decorated with elegant simplicity.  
                            (3) The paintings have been done with childlike simplicity.
skin: (1) She has fair skin.
             (2) She uses banana skins in home remedies ? You are kidding.
             (3) You skin it . I'll cook it.
             (4) skin and bone
             (5) by the skin of one's teeth
             (6) have a thick skin 
solemnly: Kevin solemnly vowed to seek vengeance on the men who killed his father.
solemn: a solemn oath
soul: (1) He is an artist who puts his soul into his work.
             (2) Equality is the soul of the movement.
             (3) a kind soul
             (4) soul food
turn: (1) My father turned and waved.
              (2) Please turn the key over to me when you leave.
              (3) The Ferris wheel turns very slowly.
              (4) She turned a cup on a potter's wheel.
wizard: The boy is a wizard at chess.

