2016年4月6日 星期三

Chapter 3 Tokyo Farmer

Chapter 3 Tokyo Farmer

affectionately: (adv.)
affectionate: (1) an affectionate embrace.
                     (2) your affectionate brother 
                     (3) She is very affectionate to him.
bloom: (n.)(1) The bloom of a cherry tree is unsurpassed in beauty.
                        (2) The cherry trees are in full bloom.
                        (3) She is just in the bloom of young womanhood.
                        (4) These fruits have a bloom upon them.
                   (v.) These flowers bloom all the year round.
clamor: (n.)(1) the clamor of an angry crowd
                           (2) the clamor of the press
                     (v.)(1) The people were clamoring for war.
                          (2) to clamor(a person) down
drudgery: I am afraid that i should find it drudgery to teach music to beginners.
drudge: (n.) a literary drudge
              (v.) to drudge at dictionary making 
fade: (1) The colors fade into one another.
              (2) The flowers have faded.
              (3) She became ill and slowly faded away.
self-sustaining: She live a self-sustaining life.
shade: (n.)(1) What a pleasant shade these trees give us!
                       (2) Little children are afraid to walk in the shades of night.
                       (3) Pull down the shades of the windows.
                       (4) all shades of blue.
                       (5) a shade of doubt 
                   (v.)(1) Shade your eyes from the sun.
                        (2) This scarf shades from deep rose to pale pink.
story: (1) Tell me a story.
                (2) to make a long story short.
                (3) He is a liar ; he tells stories.
                (4) a house of three stories.
strain: (n.)(1) The Irish strain in him makes him likes jokes.
                        (2) He has a heroic strain in his character.
                        (3) to speak in a lofty strain
                        (4) the strain of modern life 
                   (v.)(1) The weight strained the rope.
                        (2) We must strain every nerve to win the war.
                        (3) Don't strain one's good temper.
                        (4) to strain a point
                        (5) to strain one's eyes by reading small print.
                        (6) to strain one's wrist
                        (7) She strained the truth in telling that story.
                        (8) She strained her child to her breast.
                        (9) Strain the soup before serving it.  
sway: (n.) In medieval times , the church held sway over many countries.
               (v.) (1)The wind swayed the branches of the trees.
                      (2) That was the motive that swayed with him.
                      (3) Do you sway your hips when you walk?
urban: You can find out many advantages in urban life.
wander: (1) to wander through the woods.
                       (2) Some of the sheep have wandered away.
                       (3) A person's mind wanders during very very high fever.
weed: (1) to weed a garden
                (2) to weed out hopeless pupils from a class.

