2016年4月6日 星期三

Chapter 5 Do Children Really Need Them ?

Do Children Really Need Them ?

consideration : (1) I didn't accept the appointment after careful consideration .
                                      (2) We donate the money from consideration of patriotism .
                                      (3) They have no consideration of our feelings .
                                      (4) a person of consideration 
                                      (5) He did it for a consideration .
in consideration of : They didn't give him heavy work in consideration of his youth .
on no consideration : On no consideration will he sell this house .
out of consideration : We kept silence out of consideration for your feelings .
under consideration : The matter is under consideration .
grief : (1) to be nearly driven mad by grief .
                (2) His failure to live a good life was a great grief to his parents .
helpless: a helpless child.
helplessly: She looked round helplessly.
impulsive: Her impulsive passion was a positive defect.
impulse: (1) to give an impulse to trade
               (2) to be seized with a sudden impulse to do something.
manipulate: A clever politician knows hoe to manipulate his supporters.
manner(s): (1)  It is my belief that good manners are very important to everybody.
                  (2) The trouble arose in this manner.
                  (3) all manner of
                  (4) He has an austere manner.
proceed: (1) Proceed with your story.
                        (2) He proceeded to light his pipe.
                        (3) Heat proceeds from fire.
reinforce: (1) We must reinforce the troops at the front.
                          (2) to reinforce an argument
scream at the top of lungs
scream: The baby screamed all night.
slam: (1) to slam the door in one's face.
               (2) He slammed the book down on the table.
wail: (1) She wailed for her dead son.
             (2) The baby wailed.
writhe: (1) The snake writhed along the branch.
                   (2) His soul writhed in agony.

