2016年6月17日 星期五

Chapter 23 The Next Billion

Chapter  23 The Next Billion

accordingly: (1) Please inform us if you are not satisfied with the car, and we will act                                                       accordingly.
                                 (2) It is very difficult to master a foreign language; accordingly you must study                                         as hard as you can. 
conventional:  (1) conventional opinions
                                    (2) conventional weapons
devoted: Joe is very devoted to his wife.
durable: (1) Jeans are made of a very durable material.
                      (2) consumer durables
end user: The software  can be modified to suit the particular needs of the end user.
enterprising: an enterprising young businessman
household name: The president's name is a household man around the world.
in debt: She used credit card to but too many things so she was in debt.
install: (1) He installed an air conditioner in his room.
                  (2) Professor Brown was formally installed as chairman of the Geography Department.  
nutritious: You should have nutritious meals to get well soon.
plug in: He plugged in the refrigerator.
roll up (their) sleeves: She rolled up his sleeves in order to work hard.
run by : The restaurant runs by the man.
sole: (1) He was the sole survivor of the battle.
            (2) I had my shoes soled.  
strike a deal:  We strike a deal to work together.

