2016年6月17日 星期五

Chapter 20 Desert State Puts Oil Wealth into World's First Sustainable City

Chapter 20 Desert State Puts Oil Wealth into World's First Sustainable City

breeze: (1) The curtain is waving in the breeze.
                  (2) We won the game in a breeze.
                  (3) You can breeze through the book.
dust: (1) First of all, i must clean the dust on my desk.
             (2) gold dust
             (3) Mrs.Brown dusted all the books on the shelves.
             (4) Dust sugar over the cake.   
flush out: (1) Drink fluids; it flushes out your system.
                        (2) It flushes out bad feelings and ease tension. 
generate: (1) Friction generates heat.
                        (2) Steam is used to generate electricity.
                        (3) Poverty often generates crime. 
humid: humid weather
microclimate: (1) Microclimate analysis of yingtaogou valley, beijing city .
                       (2) Effects of sprinkler on the field microclimate.
orient: (1) Many brilliant pearls were brought from the Orient to Europe.
                 (2) They take care to have the chief altar properly oriented when they build a church.
                 (3) The new building is oriented towards the south.
                 (4) Immigrants should orient themselves to their new surroundings.
outskirts: Our house is in the outskirts of Boston.
pedestrian: (1) a pedestrian speech
                             (2) a pedestrian precinct 
promising: (1) a promising student
                            (2) The weather looks promising.
perspective: (1) Who was the first person to draw in perspective?
                               (2) We have to see things in the right perspective.
                               (3) They have no perspective on events.    
renewable: Prior work used renewable hydrogen to maximize CO2 capture.
self-sufficient: For love is sufficient unto love.
take over: The firm has been taken over by an American conglomerate.

