2016年6月16日 星期四

Chapter 19 Reaching Our Limits: Welcome to 2100

Chapter 19 Reaching Our Limits: Welcome to 2100

abandon: Joe abandoned hid family and went off to the West Coast.
abuse: (1) Some people abuse their authority.
                 (2) She is always abusing her ex-husband .
                 (3) The abuse of drugs is a social problem.
                 (4) The office gave much abuse to his men.  
collapse: (1) This chair collapses.
                       (2) This bridge collapsed under the weight of this truck.
                       (3) The tornado caused the collapse of houses.
                       (4) What is the cause of the collapse of our project?    
drought: The drought lasted the whole summer.
harsh: (1) This cheap whiskey is so harsh!
                 (2) He is harsh with his children.  
linked to: The hearts of the people of all nationalities are linked to each other. 
out of the question: We can't go out in this weather; it;s out of the question.
resources: (1) This country is rich in natural resources.
                          (2) In a tight situation humor  is his best resources.
                          (3)  leave  ~to~'s own resources
settlement: (1) There used to be a settlement of about 2,000 French on that island.
                             (2) land not open to settlement
                             (3) A just settlement would really help matters.
spray: (1) The boys got wet with sea spray.
                 (2) a perfume spray
                 (3) The waves sprayed us.    
standard of living: The standard of living in our country is lower than yours.
starvation: These people are living on the verge of starvation.

