2016年6月17日 星期五

Chapter 21 Keeping an Eye on the Sky

Chapter 21 Keeping an Eye on the Sky

channel: (1) The channel is too shallow for big ships.
                      (2) We can cross the channel by boat in twenty minutes.
                      (3) The information came through official channels.  
distorted: (1) He distorted his face to make the children laugh.
                         (2) The magazine distorts every story it prints. 
distracted: (1) Never distract the driver of a car.
                            (2) I'm so distracted by financial problems that i can't study.  
drawback: The only drawback to the plan is its expense.
exception: (1) There is no rule without exceptions.
                          (2) Some of the more extreme feminists take exception to that word.    
impair: Smoking impairs health. 
on the go: I have been on the go all week.
readily: He readily accepted an invitation to dinner.  
recollection: (1) The aide to the President said she had no recollection of having said that.
                                (2) We have many happy recollections of our homestay.   
rural: (1) We prefer the quiet of a rural area.
               (2) The rural home was simple and nice. 
simultaneously: The two foxes disappeared simultaneously.
switch: (1) I felt for a light switch in the dark.
                   (2) Is there any switch in the train schedule?  

