2016年6月16日 星期四

Chapter 18 Life of Pi

Chapter 18 Life of Pi

come clean: He came clean and confessed the whole thing.
despair: (1) Sometimes i despair of ever learning English.
                     (2) The loss of Antony drove Cleopatra to despair and finally suicide. 
fury: (1) Ted punched Jack in a fury.
             (2) The fury of the storm caused millions of dollars' worth of damage.
             (3) like fury
growl: (1) The dog growled at the stranger.
                 (2) Mother always growls at me.
                 (3) Can you hear the growl of the dog?
in the same boat: We should work hard together because we are in the same boat.
intently: He was examining the stamps intently.
outlast: This clock has outlasted several owners.
petrifying:  When i saw the tiger, i was petrified with fear.
prick up (one's) ears: (1) The horse 's ears were pricked up straight.
                                                      (2) All the hostages pricked up their ears when the President began                                                               to address them.   
rusty: (1) a rusty knife
                (2) My Spanish is rather rusty.
                (3) I am rusty in German.   
tame: (1) His tame secretary covers for him when he's out with his mistress.
               (2) a tame party
               (3) Human beings will never tame nature.  
twitch: (1) She twitched the curtain into place.
                  (2) The girl twitched nervously at her collar.
                  (3) She felt again the twitch of an old wound.

