2016年5月5日 星期四

Complement (4)

Cupid and Psyche
  Cupid and Psyche is a story originally from Metamorphoses (also called The Golden Ass), written in the 2nd century AD by LuciuApuleius Madaurensis (or Platonicus).It concerns the overcoming of obstacles to the love between Psyche and Cupid or Amor , and their ultimate union in a sacred marriage. Although the only extended narrative from antiquity is that of Apuleius, Eros and Psyche appear in Greek art as early as the 4th century BC. The story's Neoplatonic elements and allusions to mystery religions accommodate multiple interpretations, and it has been analyzed as an allegory and in light of folktaleMärchen or fairy tale, and myth.

Complement (3)

3c -  Communication , Computer , Consumer Electronics
Spring break
  Spring break is a U.S. phenomenon and an academic tradition which started in the United States and is observed in some other western countries.[1] Spring break is also a vacational period in early spring at universities and schools in various countries in the world, where it is known by names such as Easter vacationEaster HolidayMarch breakspring vacationMid-Term Breakstudy weekreading weekreading period, or Easter week, depending on regional conventions. However, these vacations differ from Spring Break in the United States.

  An equinox is an astronomical event in which the plane of Earth's equator passes through the center of the Sun, which occurs twice each year, around 20 March and 23 September.

  Passover is a spring festival which during the existence of the Jerusalem Temple was connected to the offering of the "first-fruits of the barley", barley being the first grain to ripen and to be harvested in the Land of Israel.

Complement (2)

  Protestantism is a form of Christian faith and practice which originated with the Protestant Reformation, a movement against what its followers considered to be errors in the Roman Catholic Church. It is one of the three major divisions of Christendom, together with Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. Anglicanism is sometimes considered to be independent from Protestantism.The term derives from the letter of protestation from Lutheran princes in 1529 against an edict condemninthe teachings of Martin Luther as heretical.
protest reformation

 "Catholic" redirects here. For Christians who recognize the authority of the Bishop of Rome (Pope), see Catholic Church. For the whole body of Christians, see Christian Church. For other uses, see Catholic (disambiguation).
Catholic church

Complement (1)

United States Congress

  The United States Congress is the bicameral legislature of the federal government of the United States consisting of two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Congress meets in the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Both senators and representatives are chosen through direct election, though vacancies in the Senate may be filled by a gubernatorial appointment. Members are usually affiliated to the Republican Party or to the Democratic Party, and only rarely to a third-party or as independents. Congress has 535 voting members: 435 Representatives and 100 Senators.

United States's capital

2016年5月3日 星期二

Chapter 14 Seeing Is Believing

Chapter 14 Seeing Is Believing

account: (1) I have five hundred thousand dollars in my savings account.
                      (2) Jane gave the police a full account of what happened.
                      (3) Don't listen to what he says when he's drunk; it's of no account.
                      (4) The secretary couldn't account for her mistake.
fabric: (1) silk fabrics
                 (2) the fabric of the theater
                 (3) the fabric of the social
fundamental : (1) He lacks fundamental knowledge about human nature.
                                    (2) The invention of the steam engine brought about fundamental change in                                                society.
                                    (3) I can't grasp the fundamentals of physics.
literally: I took what my teacher said literally; he really meant something else.
overestimate: I overestimated the amount of  milk we'd need for the weekend.
planetarium: On his days off he takes them to the Museum of Natural History or the                                                   Planetarium.
probe: (1) The newspaper reporter probed into the motivation for the murder.
                 (2) The reporter stopped the probe into the activities of smuggles after receiving a death                            threat. 
                 (3) a lunar probe
prompt: (1) We expect a prompt reply.
                     (2) The Cold War prompted them to develop nuclear weapons.
                     (3) She stands off-stage and prompts the actors if they forget their lines.
                     (4) We start at eight o'clock prompt.
                     (5) I forgot my lines and needed a prompt.
punch: (1) I punched his face.
                  (2) No one punches your subway ticket anymore. It's done automatically by machine now.
shortcut: He was always looking for a shortcut to fame and fortune.
skepticism: A correct understanding of reasonable doubt helps us to carry forward the spirit of                                doubt and criticize skepticism.
vast : a vast sum of money
worthy : (1) He is a worthy challenger of the champion.
                     (2) a worthy opponent
                     (3) local worthies    

Chapter 13 Another Earth

Chapter 13 Another Earth 

being: (1) How life came into being is an interesting question.
                (2) Human beings are said to be the highest form of life.
                (3) from the time being 
credible: These denials are simply not credible.
criteria: What are your criteria in judging the quality of a student's work?
dismiss: (1) The teacher dismissed the class five minutes before the bell.
                     (2) We dismissed him because his work was so poor.
                     (3) They dismissed his suggestion as ridiculous.
                     (4) The court dismissed the case because of lack of evidence.
envy: (1) He was full of envy when he saw my new CD player.
              (2) Having  such a beautiful wife  made him the envy of all his friends.
              (3) It is natural that the poor envy the rich.
essential: (1) There is an essential difference between the two opinions.
                        (2) essentials of physics
extraterrestrial: Do you believe the existence of extraterrestrial life?
galaxy: Each galaxy contains myriads of stars.
launch: (1) How many space shuttles have been launched this year?
                   (2) Ed launched Ann into business.
                   (3) George got drunk on champagne at the launch of the new ship.
                   (4) launch forth
mainstream: (1) Construction has emerged as a mainstream political issue.
                                 (2) Nobody could go completely against the mainstream of the history.
orbit: (1) Our satellite is now in orbit.
               (2) The moon orbits the earth.