2016年3月22日 星期二

Chapter1 Earworms

catchy: He would have to think up some more catchy names for these designs.
catch fire: As the wood is wet , it won't catch fire.
catch on: The novel caught on well.
consciousness: (1) to regain consciousness after a swoon.
                                     (2) the moral consciousness of a nation.
conscious: (1) He is conscious of his own mistake.
                  (2) He was badly hurt , but he still remained conscious.
                  (3) a conscious liar
device: (1) This is an ingenious device.
                  (2) a cowardly device , by device of diplomacy
familiar: (1) the familiar scenes of one's childhood
                       (2) I'm not familiar with botanical names.
                       (3) He has very few familiar friends.
                       (4) familiar essays
familiarity: His familiarity with modern languages was remarkable.
function: (n.) The function of the eye is to see.
                        (v.) My pen does not function very well.
get rid of: We shall be glad to get rid of him.
hum: (1)The bees were humming in the garden.
                  The sewing machine hums busily.
              (2) She is always humming to herself.
              (3) The new manager soon made things hum.
infect: (1) to infect a wound with disease germs.
                (2) His high spirits infected all his companions.
infectious: Laughter is infectious.
invade: (1) Disease invades the body.
                   (2) a city invaded by tourists.
                   (3) to invade another person's rights.
itch: (1) to suffer from the itch.
            (2) to have an itch for money
phenomenon:  the phenomenon of nature.
subject: to subject another's will to one's own
subjective: Lyrical poetry is subjective.
susceptible: (1) susceptible heart
                              (2) The statement of the prisoner is not susceptible of proof.
tune: (1) The piano is in tune.
              (2) A person out of tune with his surroundings is unhappy.
              (3) to sing a different tune
likelihood: Do you think there is any likelihood of his agreeing to it?